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About Lisa

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Calmbirth Antenatal Education

Antenatal Support

Transition to Parethood

Conscious Parenting

Anxiety & phobias


Grief & Loss

General mental health


Stress management

Assertiveness training

Life/personal coaching

Life transition & adjustment

Self esteem / self development

Social skills

Family violence

Child Protection

Transferable life skills

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)



Sleeping disorders


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

Group Work

Clinical Supervision

Aroma Freedom Technique


The "Great Unknown" can be scary.
Feel empowered to take control & bravely step into it.

Hello, my name is Lisa. I am a mother of 2 children and have been a Social Worker since 1998 supporting children, youth & families. For the past 9 years, I have worked as an Antenatal Social Worker at a public hospital, supporting pregnant women, their partners & their families with various issues (including anxiety, depression, previous birth trauma or unexpected birth outcomes), that may impact on their physical, emotional & mental wellbeing during their pregnancy, birth experience or their parenting journey. As part of this role, I have co-facilitated antenatal classes with midwives & led preparation for parenthood classes for several years. 


My passion is to support women & their families to discover and develop their inner strengths & resources for pregnancy, birth and beyond, to be able to approach this special time of transition & change, in a more peaceful & self-assured manner. For various reasons, many women approach the birth of their baby with anxiety & trepidation. However, I believe that through sharing the knowledge & strategies within the evidenced based Calmbirth® program, this will help to demystify the “great unknown”, giving back some of the control over your birth experience, thereby significantly reducing any fear & anxiety. In doing so, this creates a sense of accomplishment, through achieving your best birth experience & knowing that you’ve given your baby the best possible start to life.

I am dedicated to supporting women & couples in their choices & empowering them to create a positive birth experience no matter how or where their baby is born.


A women’s body intuitively knows what to do to birth her baby, however so often, anxiety creeps in, resulting in a cycle of self doubt, fear, pain, and a lack of belief in one’s inner strength & what their body can do. So much preparation goes into the arrival of a baby… buying a cot, pram, clothes, choosing paint colours for the nursery etc, why should it be any different with investing the same time & energy into emotionally & mentally preparing yourself for the birth of your baby. Attending our Calmbirth® classes is an investment in your pregnancy, in creating a joyful, memorable, positive birth experience, in your attachment & bonding with your baby & developing child, and in your conscious parenting journey.


The Calmbirth® program provides knowledge, strategies & a set of life skills that are not only birth focused, but are transferable & benefical to use during your parenting journey, throughout everyday life & stressful life events. 


The Calmbirth program is not about guaranteeing or forcing women to have a natural, drug free labour. The Calmbirth® program prepares you for all possibilities, with a focus on making informed decisions & that safety for mother & baby is always paramount. The Calmbirth® program’s principles compliment every pathway your birth journey may take, preparing you for all possibilities, allowing you to remain calm and feel empowered as your pregnancy, labour & birth progresses.


The Calmbirth® program assists to bring couples together to work as a team, to alleviate fear and tension, helping you to have a sense of calm confidence, feel more connected & to be a support to each other during this incredible stage of life event, empowering you to create your own joyful, positive birth experience, even if things don’t go according to plan.


Feedback received from couples after birthing, supports how effective the Calmbirth® practices and techniques are during childbirth. Many fathers have stated they felt confident and knew how they could support their partner in a meaningful way during the labour & birth.


For further information and to book into an upcoming Calmbirth® course, please feel free to contact me.


I would feel honoured if you allowed me the opportunity to be a part of your birth journey. I look forward to hearing from you. 


Let the journey begin…. Calm Mind, Calm Body, Calm birth.

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